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ENG Guide - General info and Start for Newbies

Тема в разделе "Инструкции, Гайды", создана пользователем Mae, 16 дек 2024.

  1. TopicStarter Overlay

    Mae D-Grade

    Лучшие ответы:
    +31 / 0 / -0

    Good time of Day ladies and gentlemen, here is a guide for those who are totally new to this server and new to L2 in general.

    Kind Reminder:
    You might have some other opinions or some other methods to achieve similar or faster results I also do know them well. As far as this guide is concerned its based on the in-game tutorial which server creator has made specifically to teach new players about how to handle different situations (not how to achieve the max lvl in shortest time)
    So if I was clear and listened to, let's begin with the basics.

    When you start your game the default launcher will be in rus.

    As well as the default launcher exe file.

    So to enjoy an English client you would need to look into your l2 folder and check the system-en folder.

    You will find a l2.exe file located in there which you can run AFTER you check new upgrades from launcher.

    Game start

    You will be greeted with the game's main menu.

    Enter your logic credentials and click “Entry” to enter the game.
    Standard terms of user agreement so just agree.
    Known bug: If you take too long to click agree OR had used alt tab to check something in different window button agree can malfunction. In that case simply click refuse and reenter the game again it will be solved.


    You can choose Server by clicking on “Server” button and check its status on the right side.

    In our case this guide was made to accompany Server x11 Phoenix so choose according to your prefered server And click Accept to create your character.
    Known bug:If you take too long to click Accept OR had used alt tab to check something in different window button Accept can malfunction. In that case simply click Cancel and reenter the game again it will be solved.


    You can have up to 7 different characters on 1 account however whenever one of your characters clears instance others will not being able to enter instance until its refreshed.
    Instance refresh rates are dependent on Days of the week and usually are Wednesday Saturday(check the full list here)

    The Detailed start are separated into 2 categories one for all classes and other for Arthei class.
    Arthei class has different requirements and quests for all aspects of earlygame (subclass, dualclass, noblese, rebirth) please be careful.

    The guides for Earlygame will be in these links:
    Normal path
    Artheia path

    Please feel free to check them.
    This guide will be updated with other links as well as soon as I will finish them.

    Detailed Information about settings:

    Fast closing of instances:
    Allows you to close instance as soon as you(and your party members) leave it. useful if you are confident that you can clear instance fast.

    Experience Lock: Locks your experience bar and you can’t receive EXP, however you still can receive drops and SP from monsters and bosses. Useful when you need to stay on a set level to have maximum benefits.
    Quick actions: there are quick actions in this server: (Detailed information could be found on this link)
    Study skills by level: allows you to learn only 1 level at a time (useful when you are low on SP or if you don't want to spend valuable items on higher level of set skill)
    Hide the merchants: Hides all merchants in merchant area
    Transliteration: Allows those who has no access to rus keyboard to type in eng letters it will be transliterated into rus language
    Turn off the animation of buffs: removes all animation of buffs and mass skills(pretty much any visual effect will be turned off)
    Turn off invitations to PVP events: you will no longer get msg like TVT registration and Meatgrinder registrations etc.
    Soulshot animation: turns on or off your soulshots animation(sometimes soulshot animation may cause lags so it might be useful to turn it off)
    Physical attack when using auto-hunt: allow or disallow of usage /attack auto command from autohunt (for mages should be turned off we are not Chuck Norris)
    Auto-Attack after skill use for warriors: same as for mages you can turn it off if you want to attack only in skills.
    Disabling skill auto-use when autofarming is turned off: You can use various skills and buffs as auto at any given time by default. With this enabled you can no longer use them if they are set to autocast until you start the autohunt. (useful when you want to set up the farming skills when you have alot of aoe skills and short term buffs)
    Waiting animation: Turns on or off waiting animations with flags or thrones
    Display hero chat in global chat: allows you to turn on or off the hero chat in global chat
    Glow of armor sharpening effect: In this server all armor starting from +6 has glow with different colours
    +6 white+10 yellow +20 blue+30 purple
    As well as weapons has their usual glow from +4 onwards.
    This settings disables this glow.

    Language Russian\English changing only Alt+B menu

    Allows you to pickup items, herbs, instance bosses drop immediately after kill.
    Pretty useful, But if you dont have enough room in your inventory nothing will be picked up so be ware.

    No Carrier settings allow you to remain in game for a set amount of seconds before completely disappearing (useful when you experience constant log off or had a sudden electricity shortage)

    Homunkulus enchantment
    allows you to pick how much points will be used for homunkulus enchance
    Последнее редактирование: 18 дек 2024
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  2. TopicStarter Overlay

    Mae D-Grade

    Лучшие ответы:
    +31 / 0 / -0
    Another important system is Clan system:
    You will miss alot of bonuses early on if you are not in the clan.
    Clan provides Clan missions, Clan skills, Clan activities such as: siege, clanhall, clan wars, clan instances.

    Clan can be created from character level 10 at the Grand master or Grand priest in any city.
    Upgrading clan requires clan reputation.
    Clan reputation can be achieved from multiple sources:
    1) Clan missions.
    2) Changing personal reputation to clan reputation at ivory tower.
    In Exchange menu

    3) By killing clan enemies

    Those activities will provide glory points which will later be used to unlock skills for clan(clan leader can learn clan skills)
    The more lvls clan has the more skills will be available to allocate.

    Now we will talk about clan missions as you can get alot of juicy rewards in it:
    We won’t tell all available rewards as they are plenty, however few key points will help you out.
    First of all lvl 20th 200% EXP and 200%SP runes for 1 hour is great for faster leveling.
    Chests with Rune of Nevitt is also 100% extra EXP for 1 hour each.
    MP potions will be given every few levels of main class so its also pretty handy.
    Packages with soulshots will be given on higher levels.
    99th level main class will give you 3 days of oktavis isthina jewerly.
    On levels 105-110 you will gain Chest with talismas of Benir which could give you up to lvl 24 talisman of Benir.

    There are alot of other missions which are more like a way to tell you what you need to do next like:
    Craft better gear, Enchant to +30 your equipment, Perform synthesis etc.
    Feel free to read all quests by checking “show all quests” (Red rectangle)

    Good luck in your quest to conquer!
    Последнее редактирование: 19 дек 2024
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  3. TopicStarter Overlay

    Mae D-Grade

    Лучшие ответы:
    +31 / 0 / -0
    Auto Hunting system:

    This server has advanced Auto Hunting system by macros and auto usage of macros or skills.

    Let us explain on how to use this system.

    First of all you need to select available targets for Auto Hunting:
    In Settings -* Game -* Setting Next target.
    Monsters: you will attack only monsters or entities which are considered monsters.

    Characters: you will target and attack preferably other players.

    NPC: you will target only NPС helpful in Sieges.

    Any goal: you will attack all of the above no matter the status.

    Once you are settled to whom you would like to attack lets talk about how to set up the Auto hunting:
    Auto supplies: useful items such as short term buffs from items/potions etc, EXP enhancers or just useful items which system allows to use.

    Auto hunting settings:
    Heart -* polite Auto hunt. This option will change target if other players trying to attack selected enemy.
    Hand -* Auto Pickup items during auto hunt
    Arrow -* Target selecting priority short range/ long range
    Last icon -* Target type same as in settings menu can choose monsters, characters, NPC or all.

    Now lets talk about strange square to the right.

    This is a place for your macros. You can use specific number of commands to execute in order using macros menu.
    1 and 2 are the different options of auto hunt so you can swap between them at any time.

    Macros Creation:
    You can open macros by pressing “R” or “Alt+R” by clicking on macros open in auto hunt menu or by open in main menu and finding macros as shown on image.
    You can create up to 48 macros with a total of 20 commands in them.
    You can also change their icons, names and special name(notice those letters on my other macros)

    Keep in mind that auto hunt usually already has the next target built in it so you can ignore creating the next target yourself.
    Unless you want to target a specific monsters then yes you need to use command /target “name”

    You can use names of skills in a macro to use them via the /useskill command

    • /useskill [SkillName] (like in the game with spaces and capital letters).

    • To make it more convenient, there's a mechanism of dragging skills to macros. Open your Skills window and Macro creation window and drag the necessary skill into the necessary line of the macro window.
    • In a macro you can use the items and skills placed on your shortcut bar using the /useshortcut command.
      • /useshortcut [bar number] [slot number], like, /useshortcut 6 5 (use item/skill in the 5th slot on bar 6).

      • To make it more convenient, there's a mechanism of dragging shortcut bar slots to macros. Open your Macro creation window and drag the necessary skill/item into the necessary line of the macro window.
    • You can run a macro again.
      • After you've added a macro onto a shortcut bar, you can run it again by right-clicking it.
    • A macro can be copy-pasted with the Copy all and Paste buttons.

    • Using the Preset button you call the list of templates of commands you often use and to add them to your macros by double-clicking or dragging them.

    • You can forcefully run a macro command by adding the force prefix to the command (like pressing Ctrl on the keyboard).
      • For example: /useskillforce, /useshortcutforce, /attackforce
    • You can add such a condition as stand on the same place by adding the stand postfix (like pressing Shift on the keyboard).
      • For example: /useskillstand, /useshortcutstand, /attackstand
    • You can delay running of the next macro command by using the /delay [sec.] command.
    Really simple macros example:
    Keep in mind that by using macros you would need to think about how your character will attack monsters.

    In this example we used 3 skills with different ranges of attack 1100 800 and 600 so by cycling all skills.
    Character will most likely attack units at around 1100-800 range at most. So we need to use short range next target priority.

    Ok we created macros, so now lets try to use it:
    After clicking on Auto hunting and seeing that image has changed to animated click on your macros to start the fight.


    Now lets talk about auto usage of skills.
    Noticed that there are circle in top right corner of skills? That means you can auto use them.
    They will be used from 1st to 12th position once every few seconds. By clicking on them with your right mouse button you will enable them to be used auto.
    Similar to /Useskill “skillname” command from macros.
    So if the range of skill will be lower your character will try to approach enemy unless you have skill called
    Unstoppable motion[​IMG]which will lock your character in place.
    Последнее редактирование: 19 дек 2024
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  4. TopicStarter Overlay

    Mae D-Grade

    Лучшие ответы:
    +31 / 0 / -0
    Boss Rush
    In this topic we will be explaining the Instances which are worth doing at some point of the game.

    There are few categories of instances:
    1) Trivial (really easy to do and have small rewards).
    2) Easy (are still easy and will give some better rewards).
    3) Normal (You will need to do them every time as they are worthwhile however you need decent equipment and power to do them)
    4) Hard (you would need to have a strategy on how to approach those instances as well as better than decent equipment)
    5) Difficult (you need to have great equipment and power to even have a chance of completing it)
    6) Impossible(You need to have extraordinary power and equipment)
    7) Hell (High Level content)
    8) Impossible Hell (same power as world bosses)

    Respawn of most bosses. (you can check all the information in this link)
    All bosses of this category drop R weapon and Armor enhanced scrolls as well as seal break and blessed scrolls.

    You start by completing a quest chain for entering ancient city of Arcane by talking to a Rada at hunter village(and complete all the chain of quests up until fortuna quest)
    At opera you would need to get the quest to kill Valloch (for later use)
    Next NPC is Cantarubis who will surely give you a fast quest to enter fortuna.[​IMG]
    Then you need to talk with Izshael.
    He will task you to find some cats who knows something
    Keep in mind that those cats tend to wander around the town so try to find based on a circle rule:
    Kes is the nearest to town center Mr K is at medium and Kik is at outer layer.
    Now when you got the Old Scroll use it and you can enter the fortuna.
    Then you need to talk with Izshael and enter into fortuna.
    After entering just kill every foe they have until boss shows up.

    Killing all bosses in this quest line will give you around 170-180M of adena as a reward BUT you will have to spend around 30 minutes to kill them all and get the reward like these
    Teleport to Aden and go to this guard Curtis.
    He will introduce you to the easiest boss fighting instance (for raidboss points) you can attend everyday.
    Each boss is stronger than previous one but overall they are easily killable.

    The last boss has scrolls of enchantment and from 1-6level soulstones by chance.
    Next location is Spicula Zero. Pretty much you can kill him easily just make sure to kill spawners to not get overrun.
    Alt+b teleport instances Spicula Zero
    Talk to bath central unit to enter. Go across the bridge killing everything.
    He will give some more scrolls of blessing and some giants scrolls of enchantment and a small chance of getting 1-6 soulstones.
    All bosses of this category drop R weapon and Armor enhanced scrolls as well as seal break and blessed scrolls. Sometimes drops equipment bags and Artifacts chests.

    Zaken Please be careful as they are different in terms of power.

    Normal Zaken is the weakest.
    Captain Goldberg is medium
    Zania is strongest
    They share the same instance so I will explain it all at once.
    However you need to know that while Zaken is Easy. Captain Goldberg is Easy. Zania is Normal.
    First floor has this layout and the marked path is the path to next floor. You would need to find octons and light them up if you find blue light then you found the boss.

    You need to find blue ones then light all the octons in that room to spawn boss.





    Drop: Earring of Zaken and some scrolls of seal reveals and some runes of Zaken.

    Captain Goldberg has interesting mechanic He is spawned from the first few seconds while character is in the instance so in order to find him you will need to create a macros “/target Gold” (you dont need to write all his name)
    Then use that macros while you are moving from floor to floor until you find him. During fight he will summon an army few times and will teleport out of the room. (Don’t worry he will come back)[​IMG]

    He will be the first boss who will require you to have some decent power in order to defeat.

    So come prepared.

    Drop: Earring of Zaken and some scrolls of seal reveals and some runes of Zaken.

    Next boss is Kimerian
    Entering NPC are Noethea Khisharu. He has 2 different difficulties: Normal and Extreme.[​IMG]
    While being a Normal difficulty fighter his difficulty is slightly weaker than Zania. But his extreme version is way above those powers. Noethea Khisharu will guide you to the fight.
    Normal fight:You will start from here and your goal is to get to the waterfall. Just simply follow the path from the bridge you are facing at the start of the encounter.
    In this direction.



    At half HP he will go invulnerable and spawn his clones. Just attack them until Kimerian goes vulnerable again.
    After death he will give you a useful Artifact chest. You can get artifact shards from there which later could be used to craft artifacts in Ivory tower. From here onward all bosses will try to drop those Artifact chests as well.
    All bosses of this category drop R weapon and Armor enhanced scrolls as well as seal break and blessed scrolls. Sometimes drops equipment bags of 100-105 and Artifacts chests.

    Next in line is Zannia; she is the same as Zaken in terms of how to find her. She is the same as Captain Goldbern in terms of teleporting out of the fight and spawning an army. And She is much stronger than both of previous bosses. She will require at least decent power and alot of Defensive capabilities from your character.
    Drop: Blessed Earring of Zaken some runes of Zaken and a cape of Zaken.
    Here is a twin boss Baylor

    You would need to have either great stats or you would need to have a pet who will attack his back in order to kill him consistently.
    The key is that a pet who will attack from behind will trigger Weak Points(debuff) which will greatly increase dmg received to that Baylor.

    Great strategy is to separate them and kill them 1 by 1 at first.(later you can kill them together with few attacks)

    Drop: Ticket to fight him again, chests of essences of knowledge

    All bosses of this category drop R weapon and Armor enhanced scrolls as well as seal break and blessed scrolls. Sometimes drops equipment bags 100-105 and Artifacts chests and tend to drop runes of corresponding type with bottles of corresponding type as well. Also drops boss specific jewelry or equipment.

    Entering NPC are Noethea Khisharu. Extreme.
    The extreme fight will be much harder, however you will start at the waterfall.
    Kimerian is inside the cave.
    This fight will be harder than the previous difficulty. He will start with clones. Sometimes it will disarm you. Beware of his skill “Attack forward of you” it will most likely kill you.
    After you finish his fight he will reward you with more artifact chests and a lot of other stuff.

    Next boss in Question is Valloch (he uses invulnerability and heals)
    He is located at Parnassus same as Baylor but way stronger.


    At around half way of his hp he will cast invulnerability so you need to have seal of invincibility or amethyst to block that OR try to make another monster which spawn attack him so it will remove invulnerability.
    Drop: Chests of essences and some other scrolls.

    Next boss is Freya
    Keep in mind that while Normal Freya is Normal. Blessed version is Hard.

    In case you die during a fight you will be revived near Freya’s lackey from whom you can come back to Zinia and enter the fight again.
    Sirrah will teleport you inside if the doors are closed.

    The fight is divided into 3 stages.
    First stage you need to kill crystalized knights until Freya is started moving
    Then kill her. During fight she will use powerful magic and in case you notice that line run from her to a distance.

    Second stage is weakling Klakeis.

    And then just kill Freya again and get your loot.


    The difference in Normal and Extreme are as follows:
    1)Normal zone debuff deals dmg to about 20k dmg per tick.

    2)Normal Freya has less hp and dmg and is more conservative with skills (don't spam them)

    1)Extreme zone debuff deals dmg to about 60k dmg per tick

    2)Extreme Freya has a lot of hp and dmg and uses magic mirror and other skills more often.(spams frozen skills such as ice ball ice vortex ice storm eternal storm etc.)

    Both Freyas give similar drop: Runes of Freya, Bottles of Freya, Necklaces(extreme gives blessed) and equipment bags.

    Next in power is Isthina
    Keep in mind while Isthina is Normal Blessed Isthina is Hard.


    Talk to her and enter the instance. Inside, talk to her again and get quests for Isthina if you want.


    Then start a fight with Isthina. During her fight she will mirror magic and Heal so be careful. Once you get her low hp she will spawn a ballista which you need to kill to win. And if you are strong enough you can kill her beforehand.


    Ballista image and charging bar.


    Drop: Rune of Isthina, Isthina jewelry(ring, earring, necklace)


    Starting NPC Tipia will help you navigate to Octavis and Blessed Octavis fight with Blessed Octavis as he is easier and gives more loot.

    First state you need to attack beasts and when beasts hp goes down you can target Octavis to kill him.[​IMG]

    Then fight with Octavis himself until he goes SUPER BUFFED. While fighting Buffed Octavis kill senior scientists as fast as possible as they are scary and heal Octavis. Octavis himself also heals so you need to use Seal of Cain.


    Drop: Rune of Octavis, Bottle of Octavis, Octavis jewelry(ring, earring, necklace)

    All bosses of this category drop R weapon and Armor enhanced scrolls as well as seal break and blessed scrolls. Sometimes drops equipment bags 100-105 and Artifacts chests and tend to drop runes of corresponding type with bottles of corresponding type as well. Also drops boss specific jewelry or equipment. Requires some preparations before attempting.


    Starting NPC is Zaedin


    Kill all enemies attacking Flesh colonies and kill 2 bosses at the end


    After you have dealt with them Zaedin will show up


    Go to the bridge and find Equimus


    From half hp point he will use Momentary Death(silent death or something along those lines) spells which deal alot of dmg be careful.

    Drop: Equimus belt and essence chests (and as always R scrolls of modification and seal breaks)

    I will just mention that there is a quest line for Tauti bracelet but its up to you if you want to do it or no as it is really not that special in terms of stats.


    Shizuraku will allow you to enter to fight with Tauti

    Just run past all mobs to the top of the hill



    Just kill Zahak to gain key and go inside


    Talk to motion device and enter inside


    Tauti has a lot of disable skills so be careful.

    After you get him to low hp he will transform into AX


    Kill it to gain rewards

    Drop: Tauti ring, Tauti runes, Tauti bottles.

    Aku will allow you to fight the Extreme version of Tauti who has lots more hp and dmg. But to get to Tauti its same as previous one.

    Aku also has a quest for Bottle of Tauti soul could be handy to upgrade Tauti ring.
    This fight will be much harder so be prepared.


    Drop: Tauti ring, Tauti runes, Tauti bottles. Same as Normal Tauti but more quantity and chances.

    Ask him to fight Frinteza he will teleport you into royal tomb chambers.

    In there attack Hall Alarm Device and prepare to defeat swarms of enemies.



    After killing them all the door will open go inside till you find those guys


    Kill them and they will reveal ambush at sides


    Kill them all to proceed

    Go inside the open door and meet our ”Mad Emperor’s” cursed son

    There are 3 stages of this fight.

    Stage one normal Scarlet Van Halisha with weak attacks.

    Stage two Enraged Scarlet Van Halisha with normal attacks and some spells.

    Stage 3 when Scarlet Van Halisha just Mutates in this state not only does her attacks do more dmg she also uses a lot of spells and debuffs to top that all she can become invulnerable and heal herself.

    Stage 1 fight


    Stage 2 is the same stage 1 but bigger in size.

    Stage 3 fight


    Drop: Rune of Frintezza, Necklace of Frintezza, Bottles of Frintezza


    Starting NPC is Alenos. He will allow you to get inside the Tiada fortress.

    Get inside and look for those doors. You can attack them to open.

    Find Teleport device and get inside.


    Defeat all enemies in here and the Obelisk itself.


    After you have defeated them you will see alot of doors. Check the doors with nails there are 3 of them. Open them and get inside each of them. Your objective is to eliminate Guard Stone at the end of corridors.



    After you kill all 3 Stones the one of doors with Teeth will open and follow that path till the fortress.


    Destroy maingate and get on top of this gates there are 2 Crystals which need to be eliminated.



    After you have done that the main door will be opened and you can get inside the Tiada chambers.




    During fight she will cause Fear and other debuffs but more importantly sometimes she will cast invulnerability and Heal so be prepared.

    Drop: Belt of Tiada, Tiada runes, Bottles of Tiada and 105 equipment bags.


    Start by attacking Antaras until he flees.
    Keep killing shell dragons until Antaras returns


    Then kill fighting with him and occasionally kill all tamers so he will not be healed
    Then when Antaras is defeated come to Lush


    After you talk to him he will give you rewards. Sometimes you can get Antaras earrings(timed) from those.

    All bosses of this category drop R weapon and Armor enhanced scrolls as well as seal break and blessed scrolls. Sometimes drops equipment bags 100-105 and Artifacts chests and tend to drop runes of corresponding type with bottles of corresponding type as well. Also drops boss specific jewelry or equipment. Requires considerable preparations before attempting and might take a prolonged time to complete.

    First of those are Arena of Lesser Gods.
    Starting NPC is Elmore in Ivory tower


    First things first you receive the PVE buff for an easier time in the arena.

    Right from the start there are 2 ways to go; the left and right ways consist of angelic enemies who need to be defeated first. There are 3 rooms of monsters on the left side and 4 on the right. After you defeat all of them you will be teleported to the center path.



    From this point you will be faced with Guardians. They are a bit stronger than angels but they are nothing to worry about.

    Defeating them will spawn the last defenders' mobs. They have a 40 sec invulnerability buff on them on spawn.


    Once you defeat all of them the bosses will spawn.

    So first enemies are Baylors and Freyas you need to kill them and proceed further.

    From that point I will suggest going on your left as there are 4 rooms there so more enemies in total.

    First room Zaken Goldberd and Zania

    Second room Scarlet van Halisha 3rd form she is healing.

    Next room are Kimerians

    Next room are Octavisis (Btw both of them Heals) Left one is weaker so go for him first.
    Congratulations you just now completed one fourth of the instance.

    Let's go the next way.

    So first room of another path are Isthina Eqimus(causes fear and some magic damage) and Bless Isthina(she heals and mirrors dmg be careful)
    Suggestion is to go for Isthina and Equimus first then get Bless Isthina as she is the hardest among them controlwise.

    Next room are 2 Tautis

    The Tauti without title and army is the weaker one so go for him first. (suggestion spawn pet and order attack him) Don't attempt to fight them both at the same time when you are weak.

    Last boss in this path is Valloch
    After you kill him(granted you killed all bosses) you will be teleported to Tiada. Congratulations you completed half of the instance.

    Tiada heals and fears and also stuns so be ready. Also during fight occasionally casts invulnerability.

    After you finish your fight there will be one last boss awaiting you in the center of the arena.

    Keep in mind that the bosses are random from different chronicles so could be different than this one.
    After you kill this boss the instance is complete.

    Celan is the NPC you need to talk to in order to get there.
    After you enter the instance it is recommended to stay here


    And wait for enemies to gather in the center of the room.

    There are 3 Stages of Enemies who spawn.

    First one is warriors and archers. Second one is Mages and Knights. Third one is Big Fat Enemies.

    Kill them all and you will be left with 3 Bosses. You need to attack one.


    After you damage Angmar to 50% there is a chance he spawns enraged or Amon Sul will spawn instead.
    No matter who will get out he will have 3 stages. You need to dmg 50% of his hp to get to the next stage.
    Be careful on the 3rd stage the center of the room will be occupied with guardians; they are as strong as the boss itself so don't try to fight them.

    From this Encounter you will receive Pearls of the Shadows which will be later needed for best in slot Bracelet for a time being.
    Will be updated in future….
    Последнее редактирование: 2 янв 2025
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    Mae D-Grade

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  6. TopicStarter Overlay

    Mae D-Grade

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